Wake Up With Clayton Kershaw Striking Out 15 Straight Batters, Hitting A Solo Bomb, And Pitching A Perfect Game

Bad night for the "Kershaw cant pitch in the postseason" crowd last night, eh? 6 innings, 2 hits, 1 ER, 1 walk, 8 Ks in a hell of a Game 1 start. Reminded me of a GEM that Kershaw threw back in high school. Just a casual 15 K perfect game. Yeah, the game only went 5 innings, and lucky for the other team that it didn't go longer. Clayton's team won 10-0 and he even helped his own cause by hitting a solo jack. It doesn't get much more dominating than that. You could even see in that video that the curve was working back then. Guy is an absolute stud, happy to see him perform well last night on the big stage. Also, if you're on this team that K'd 15 straight times, you have to get this film wiped from the internet, you cant have this floating around out there.

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